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Saturday, November 13, 2010

London Cab Company finds Niche Ultra-Modern

Hail a cab in London is no easy task. Certain areas of the city have more than enough taxis - but all complete at the time where you need it most - the booths seem non-existent in other districts. There are booths everywhere where you only need to walk nearby, but they are nowhere occurs when your tube line is in the afternoon. However, a new taxi service aims to find an easier cab for modern people with access to Twitter. The next time that you need a black taxi, simple tweet your needs @ tweetalondoncab and their spectacular technologically savvy will soon be able to assist you.

The idea of this service is a little over a year ago. Since then, a small group of London spectacular have worked together to create and promote this service Twitter, possibly extend their 100 group. The spectacular had already all the work that they can handle, this new business model gives them another key advantage: data on their customers.Taxi drivers are also finding customers hail them by tweet tend to have longer trips and more lucratifs.Célébrités are also known to use the service, as it prevents them from having to stay in waiting for the public transport.

The data collected by the Twitter feed is important because it helps spectacular identify where they are most needed in real time.For example, when a transit is arrested in a given area, taxi drivers can follow the tweets in the line of people who need transport.Cela allows log cabins with clients, even if the customers were not called. It gets more people to try a black taxi, even people who are usually loyal to other forms of transport.

If you're worried about your safety, you can be assured that tweetalondoncab had already planned a system almost infaillible.lorsque people tweet for a taxi, they are responded to a private message that specifies when and where their cab arrives as well as identifying information on the car and the driver.This prevents a foreigner appear with bad intentions, all taxi drivers Twitter allowed to drive a taxi as well as a sticker on their car with tweetalondoncab.Ce logo logo prominently is simple and clear, with a caricature of a black cab carrying a small Blue Bird on the back seat.

If the service continues to grow in popularity, other cab companies are not copier.Toutefois, developers already planned soon announced a new service: a mobile application which would requesting this service easier.

If you're a small business owner, it is important to be constantly searching for new ways to use technology in your entreprise.Non only it gives you a competitive advantage, it will help to strengthen your brand as the most intelligent, most technologically magasinages choice.

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