Logo design companys

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Barclays: Marketing Gone Bad

Marketing and positioning are never infallible guaranteed means of success, especially if your company is in the midst of one of the largest banking scandals in the history of the United Kingdom. Barclays is seeing this now, with a clever marketing campaign tour rather méchant thanks to the work of a few zealous demonstrators turned the Vandals. After these recent events, the United Kingdom may never look the same Barclays.

People across the United Kingdom are familiar with sky blue Barclays logo seen, anymore than ever due to 25 million pounds campaign featured a sticker with their logo attached to rings rentals across London often.It was designed to look like an organic city as well as a choice younger, more environmentally friendly for banking services and investment the Barclays.Pendant part a few days, the people of the city saw the logo of Barclays everywhere where they went, and marketing campaign seems to have been successful.

However, a variety of recent news introduced another take the Barclays. Poorly thought out loans. incorrect acquisitions.billion pounds in the funds… taxpayer, it seems that it has no end addition to bad news about this financement.En society, an American who is head of investment banking services will be placed as Chief Executive Officer likely to continue the failure cycle appears to be the gold standard next year this company. Barclays logo seen everywhere in London became suddenly less than a positive image and a bitter reminder of this unpleasant situation.

While these scandals have been flooding in the news, the demonstrators in the city were some clandestine marketing decisions that are unique. Over a period of several days, the stickers on a popular four-letter word was slapped on bike rental with Barclays logo. To proudly bearing the name of the Bank, bicycles are now cursing it in language which would blush many banking customers.

Not only these clandestine bikes are seen around town, they are visible on the blogs and Twitter feeds across the internet.This rather creative marketing strategy has taken an unfortunate turn and become the most memorable snafu brand of the year.It is not known how many bikes in London include obscene vandalism, but the number seems high enough at this stage.

What does this mean for other companies?Probably nothing, unless you intend to be devastating decisions and expect the Government to you sauver.Ne let not this unfortunate incident you never turn away from the world of marketing design, branding and logo.Il should be noted that this campaign has indeed very successful before the new unhappy struck creative médias.Marketing can be an excellent tool for branding, since it allows to remove your logo design in such a way that is unique and mémorable.Cette campaign in particular had the immense promise because he himself with a particularly trendy transport mode and vert.alors as nothing but time can help to Barclays, you can get the help you need a professional designer consultant mark and logo.

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