Logo design companys

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Innocently taken on the food market

People across the United Kingdom seen and lived the innocent brand. However, this smoothie company do not have what you would call beginning bodes well. Just a little more than a decade ago, the three men behind innocent were to ascend and descend the streets begging shops to some of their drink on the shelf.

Innocent begins, well, innocently. In 1998, three friends with the aspirations of the undertaking and poor eating habits were looking for a society that they could start and run together.After lots of ideas, a suggested a company that makes healthy eating a little more facile.Ils began to experiment with different smoothie recipes and came to orange, pineapple and formula of bananas which was simply perfect.

Innocent made his debut in public for a small jazz festival.Owners set up a stall and handed over to the beverages in exchange for an opinion on a relatively simple matter: do you think that we should make these our jobs nectars? A majority voted "Yes" and a roll of subsequent piece endorsed. Three friends quit their jobs than Monday and has embarked on the Ballad of small business life.

Since then, innocent provided people in several European countries and the United Kingdom mark with healthy beverages, social responsibility and even a little cheekiness. ""Separation occurs, but the Mummy loves always dad," reads a label. Innocent brand makes almost elegant to make healthy food choices to prefer a fresh fruit smoothie a loaded sugar soda. Dedication the company natural ingredients and their own private charitable Foundation have created a brand image is loved in the United Kingdom and other European countries amounted to hundreds of millions of pounds each year.

Innocent logo design is similar to the brand: a blend of modern style and health.A small piece of fruit (colours change depending on the flavour) seems to be hand drawn on a plain white background.Two points could be seen as seed to fruit or small eyes appearance innocents.Un halo above drives home the point about innocence while suggesting that the company has angelic practices slightly more than its competitors.

Innocent is currently considering to undertake a project in which many similar companies have failed: expansion mondiale.Boissons sale successfully in many European countries, the company was able to finance other expansion selling twenty per cent of its shares to drink global giant Coca Cola.La company has also expanded their offerings of products beyond products fruit jars of vegetables and yogurt "thickies" their offers added.

If it can find the worldwide success that owners seek remains to be seen, but in the meantime, they have a brand that resonates with customers in countries where the product was introduit.Pourquoi would be persons offer a wide range of drinks brands choose innocent? is a good example of the power of a designed professional brand.

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